Package: installation-reports
Severity: normal

[email not working from system.  This is cut and pasted from reportbug]

Dear Maintainer,

Since the system is unbootable, this may warrant higher severity.

After a seemingly successful installation the system would not start
because the pass phrase entered during installation to encrypt the
disk would not decrypt it.

Since I can decrypt the disk from the installation CD in rescue mode, I
suspect there
may be an issue with the handling of passwords in the installation CD
vs the initrd environment when the system is starting up, e.g., one of
them passes a new line at the end of the pass-phrase and the other

   * What led up to the situation?
   Host system running Debian 7 (I know--old) amd64 with VirtualBox 4 as
packaged by Debian.
   Had a new 12TB drive attached by SATA, completely unformatted.
   Created a VirtualBox raw disk so the VM could use the disk directly, and
   downloaded the netboot iso.  My main motivation in proceeding this way
was to install
   the system without using a physical CD/USB.  A secondary one was to
cache the packages on the host system.
   I put the virtual disk at virtual port 5 (after increasing the virtual
SATA control to a capacity of 8) in hopes that mirroring its location on
the host would increase the odds it would boot without the VM.
   Booted the virtual machine (2 CPUs, ~3G RAM, 3D acceleration).
   VirtualBox warned that the medium (.vmdk file for the raw disk) "has a
logical size of 10TB but the file system the medium is located on can only
handle files up to 7TB in theory"
   I'm not sure why it complained; the vmdk  file is on an ext4 file
system, and is only a stub.
   At any rate, when I got to the partitioning inside the VM, all 12TB
seemed to be recognized.
   Selected advanced install and mostly hit enter.
   When optional modules were listed I selected the crypto one only. Is
that for some older
   style of crypto?
   Selected manual partition, staying in the GUI.Created 2 small GPT
partitions, the first
   for the bios and the second for boot, and made the remaining space
available for encryption.
   After encrypting it with a password, I formatted it with btrfs with only
one file system
   mounted at /.  (of course, /boot was separate).
   At task selection I deselected the desktop and selected ssh server, so
that only
   ssh server and base tasks were selected.
   At some point it asked whether to make a thin or fat initrd (all files
or only
   those for my system); I chose thin.
   Rebooted and entered the password repeatedly to unlock the disk.  The
response was
      device-mapper: table: 254:0 crypt: Error allocating crypto tfm
      device-mapper: reload ioctl on    failed: No such file or directory.
      Failed to setup dm-crypt key mapping for device /dev/sda3.
      Check  that kernel supports aes-xts-plain64 cipher (check syslog for
more info).
      cryptsetup: ERROR: sda3_crypt: cryptsetup failed, bad password or
   Somewhat worryingly, after the 3rd try it said "maximum number of tries

   * What exactly did you do (or not do) that was effective (or
   Reinserted the installation iso and rebooted the VM.  Selected rescue
   I was prompted for the disk password; my answer worked in this context.

   On the theory (based mostly on the "no such file or directory" part
   of the error) that the necessary crypto stuff was not on the initrd
   I mounted boot and expanded the initrd there.  But it appears to be
   crypto-aware, e.g., cryptsetup is on the initrd, as is a cryptroot
   script that might be what's prompting me for the password.

   I installed more packages, although after most operations I was
   informed the operation was cancelled because I was in a chroot.
   Except the operations were effective as far as I can tell.  I had
   to install packages and configure exim just to file this report
   [Actually, email isn't working right even on the host.]

   * What was the outcome of this action?
   I gained access to the installed system via the rescue CD, but when
   I tried booting the VM (without CD) and responding to the password
   it still didn't work.

   * What outcome did you expect instead?
   That when I entered the same pass-phrase on system startup as I had
entered during
   installation/encryption, the disk would be unlocked and the system would

   * Additional comments

   1. It seems like a security hole that I can use the rescue CD to
   get into the system and do root operations without entering the
   root password.

   2. As I noted in a separate email to debian-boot, resolvconf was
   not installed at the end of this.  I kind of think it should be.

   3. The current installer seems not entirely btrfs-friendly. My
   understanding is that with btfrs one creates subvolumes, which
   might then serve a role similar to partitions.  But the installer
   doesn't let you create subvolumes, as far as I could see, or do
   anything with them.  And if you want to some kind of multi-disk
   thing with btrfs, I don't think you can through the gui.  I realize
   probably the better course would be to drop into a shell and take
   care of those things.

   4. Even though I've used it before, I found the graphical
   partitioning tool in the installer obscure.  In particular, after I
   created the encrypted volume it wasn't obvious how to use it.  That
   is, I thought if I selected it I'd be asked what file system to put
   on it, but I wasn't.

   5. I also found the installation reports somewhat obscure.  Where and
how to file them
   wasn't immediately apparent.  It's not on
   and the installer page to which it links has a kind of buried link about
   The bug is supposed to be filed against install-reports, but the related
package is
   called installation-report (no s at the end).  After being directed to
install that package
   I thought there would be a command installation-report (or reports), but
there isn't.

   6. At least in the rescue environment, from which I am generating this
report, the light
   grey background is unfortunate.  In particular, in emacs lots of
critical text
   is difficult or impossible to read.

   5b. I just realized the installation report template calls for
   narrative info I have entered above to be entered below.  Maybe
   suppress the standard template?  I have no idea if that's even
   possible.  There's also a bit of tension between an overall
   installation report and a specific bug.  That is, an installation report
   might have none or many associated "bugs".  I've chose to highlight
   the most important problem.

-- Package-specific info:

Boot method: Virtual CD
Image version:
18:03 19-01-19
Date: 2019-01-27 c 3pm PST

Machine: amd64 virtual machine under VirtualBox 4
Partitions: <df -Tl will do; the raw partition table is preferred>
df -Tl
Filesystem             Type       1K-blocks    Used   Available Use%
Mounted on
/dev/mapper/sda3_crypt btrfs    11718490112 1811848 11712587000   1% /
devtmpfs               devtmpfs     1470432       0     1470432   0% /dev
none                   tmpfs         297412      64      297348   1% /run
/dev/sda2              ext4          369631   28521      317507   9% /boot
# parted /dev/sda p
Disk /dev/sda: 12.0TB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt
Disk Flags:

Number  Start   End     Size    File system  Name          Flags
 1      1049kB  2097kB  1049kB               bios_pdR      bios_grub
 2      2097kB  402MB   400MB   ext4         boot
 3      402MB   12.0TB  12.0TB               big-scramble

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot:           [O]
Detect network card:    [O]
Configure network:      [O]
Detect CD:              [O]
Clock/timezone setup:   [O]
User/password setup:    [O]
Detect hard drives:     [O]
Partition hard drives:  [O] BUT CHALLENGING AS NOTED ABOVE
Install base system:    [0]
Install tasks:          [0] RESOLVCONF?
Overall install:        [E] UNABLE TO DECRYPT DISK ON REBOOT


See above.

Note that some of the reports below (all auto-generated by reportbug) may
refer to the rescue environment in which I am running rather than the
environment that was
installed.  However, the rescue environment is in the same VM, and is a
chroot into
the installed system.  E.g., if the installer disk linux has the necessary
support and the one installed on the system does not, that might not
be apparent.  But I chose, I believe, the standard kernel.

BTW, the installer seemed to detect I was running under VirtualBox and
indicated it
was installing the corresponding guest modules.


Once you have filled out this report, mail it to

Installer lsb-release:
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Debian GNU/Linux installer"
DISTRIB_RELEASE="10 (buster) - installer build 20190118"

Installer hardware-summary:
uname -a: Linux buster 4.19.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.12-1 (2018-12-22)
x86_64 GNU/Linux
lspci -knn: 00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: Intel Corporation 440FX - 82441FX
PMC [Natoma] [8086:1237] (rev 02)
lspci -knn: 00:01.0 ISA bridge [0601]: Intel Corporation 82371SB PIIX3 ISA
[Natoma/Triton II] [8086:7000]
lspci -knn: 00:01.1 IDE interface [0101]: Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB
PIIX4 IDE [8086:7111] (rev 01)
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: ata_piix
lspci -knn:     Kernel modules: ata_piix, ata_generic
lspci -knn: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: InnoTek
Systemberatung GmbH VirtualBox Graphics Adapter [80ee:beef]
lspci -knn: 00:03.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation 82540EM
Gigabit Ethernet Controller [8086:100e] (rev 02)
lspci -knn:     Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:001e]
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: e1000
lspci -knn:     Kernel modules: e1000
lspci -knn: 00:04.0 System peripheral [0880]: InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH
VirtualBox Guest Service [80ee:cafe]
lspci -knn: 00:05.0 Multimedia audio controller [0401]: Intel Corporation
82801AA AC'97 Audio Controller [8086:2415] (rev 01)
lspci -knn:     Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:0000]
lspci -knn: 00:06.0 USB controller [0c03]: Apple Inc. KeyLargo/Intrepid USB
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: ohci-pci
lspci -knn:     Kernel modules: ohci_pci
lspci -knn: 00:07.0 Bridge [0680]: Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4
ACPI [8086:7113] (rev 08)
lspci -knn: 00:0d.0 SATA controller [0106]: Intel Corporation 82801HM/HEM
(ICH8M/ICH8M-E) SATA Controller [AHCI mode] [8086:2829] (rev 02)
lspci -knn:     Kernel driver in use: ahci
lspci -knn:     Kernel modules: ahci
usb-list: Bus 01 Device 01: OHCI PCI host controller [1d6b:0001]
usb-list:    Level 00 Parent 00 Port 00  Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00
Protocol 00
usb-list:    Manufacturer: Linux 4.19.0-1-amd64 ohci_hcd
usb-list:    Interface 00: Class 09(hub  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00 Driver
usb-list: Bus 01 Device 02: USB Tablet [80ee:0021]
usb-list:    Level 01 Parent 01 Port 00  Class 00(>ifc ) Subclass 00
Protocol 00
usb-list:    Manufacturer: VirtualBox
usb-list:    Interface 00: Class 03(HID  ) Subclass 00 Protocol 00 Driver
lsmod: Module                  Size  Used by
lsmod: ufs                    86016  0
lsmod: qnx4                   16384  0
lsmod: hfsplus               114688  0
lsmod: hfs                    69632  0
lsmod: minix                  40960  0
lsmod: msdos                  20480  0
lsmod: fuse                  122880  0
lsmod: ntfs                  110592  0
lsmod: battery                24576  0
lsmod: xts                    16384  1
lsmod: algif_skcipher         16384  0
lsmod: af_alg                 28672  1 algif_skcipher
lsmod: dm_crypt               40960  1
lsmod: dm_mod                151552  3 dm_crypt
lsmod: md_mod                167936  0
lsmod: xfs                  1458176  0
lsmod: jfs                   208896  0
lsmod: btrfs                1384448  1
lsmod: xor                    24576  1 btrfs
lsmod: zstd_decompress        81920  1 btrfs
lsmod: zstd_compress         180224  1 btrfs
lsmod: xxhash                 16384  2 zstd_compress,zstd_decompress
lsmod: raid6_pq              122880  1 btrfs
lsmod: libcrc32c              16384  2 btrfs,xfs
lsmod: vfat                   20480  0
lsmod: fat                    86016  2 msdos,vfat
lsmod: ext4                  733184  1
lsmod: crc16                  16384  1 ext4
lsmod: mbcache                16384  1 ext4
lsmod: jbd2                  122880  1 ext4
lsmod: crc32c_generic         16384  3
lsmod: fscrypto               32768  1 ext4
lsmod: ecb                    16384  2
lsmod: sr_mod                 28672  0
lsmod: cdrom                  69632  1 sr_mod
lsmod: sd_mod                 53248  3
lsmod: ata_generic            16384  0
lsmod: ahci                   40960  2
lsmod: libahci                40960  1 ahci
lsmod: ata_piix               36864  0
lsmod: libata                278528  4 ata_piix,libahci,ahci,ata_generic
lsmod: usb_storage            69632  0
lsmod: scsi_mod              249856  4 sd_mod,usb_storage,libata,sr_mod
lsmod: hid_generic            16384  0
lsmod: usbhid                 57344  0
lsmod: hid                   139264  2 usbhid,hid_generic
lsmod: ohci_pci               16384  0
lsmod: ehci_pci               16384  0
lsmod: ohci_hcd               57344  1 ohci_pci
lsmod: ehci_hcd               94208  1 ehci_pci
lsmod: usbcore               290816  6
lsmod: e1000                 155648  0
lsmod: usb_common             16384  1 usbcore
df: Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
df: none                    297300        60    297240   0% /run
df: devtmpfs               1469860         0   1469860   0% /dev
df: /dev/mapper/sda3_crypt
df:                      11718490112    993056 11715456384   0% /target
df: /dev/sda2               369631     28521    317507   8% /target/boot
df: /dev/mapper/sda3_crypt
df:                      11718490112    993056 11715456384   0%
df: devtmpfs               1469860         0   1469860   0% /target/dev
free:              total       used       free     shared    buffers
free: Mem:       2972976    2309616     663360     168844       2268
free: -/+ buffers/cache:     168824    2804152
free: Swap:            0          0          0
/proc/cmdline: BOOT_IMAGE=linux priority=low vga=788 initrd=initrd.gz ---
/proc/cpuinfo: processor    : 0
/proc/cpuinfo: vendor_id    : GenuineIntel
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu family    : 6
/proc/cpuinfo: model        : 58
/proc/cpuinfo: model name    : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1245 V2 @ 3.40GHz
/proc/cpuinfo: stepping    : 9
/proc/cpuinfo: microcode    : 0x19
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu MHz        : 3392.203
/proc/cpuinfo: cache size    : 6144 KB
/proc/cpuinfo: physical id    : 0
/proc/cpuinfo: siblings    : 2
/proc/cpuinfo: core id        : 0
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu cores    : 2
/proc/cpuinfo: apicid        : 0
/proc/cpuinfo: initial apicid    : 0
/proc/cpuinfo: fpu        : yes
/proc/cpuinfo: fpu_exception    : yes
/proc/cpuinfo: cpuid level    : 5
/proc/cpuinfo: wp        : yes
/proc/cpuinfo: flags        : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep
mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx rdtscp
lm constant_tsc rep_good nopl cpuid pni ssse3 lahf_lm pti
/proc/cpuinfo: bugs        : cpu_meltdown spectre_v1 spectre_v2
spec_store_bypass l1tf
/proc/cpuinfo: bogomips    : 6784.40
/proc/cpuinfo: clflush size    : 64
/proc/cpuinfo: cache_alignment    : 64
/proc/cpuinfo: address sizes    : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
/proc/cpuinfo: power management:
/proc/cpuinfo: processor    : 1
/proc/cpuinfo: vendor_id    : GenuineIntel
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu family    : 6
/proc/cpuinfo: model        : 58
/proc/cpuinfo: model name    : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1245 V2 @ 3.40GHz
/proc/cpuinfo: stepping    : 9
/proc/cpuinfo: microcode    : 0x19
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu MHz        : 3392.203
/proc/cpuinfo: cache size    : 6144 KB
/proc/cpuinfo: physical id    : 0
/proc/cpuinfo: siblings    : 2
/proc/cpuinfo: core id        : 1
/proc/cpuinfo: cpu cores    : 2
/proc/cpuinfo: apicid        : 1
/proc/cpuinfo: initial apicid    : 1
/proc/cpuinfo: fpu        : yes
/proc/cpuinfo: fpu_exception    : yes
/proc/cpuinfo: cpuid level    : 5
/proc/cpuinfo: wp        : yes
/proc/cpuinfo: flags        : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep
mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx rdtscp
lm constant_tsc rep_good nopl cpuid pni ssse3 lahf_lm pti
/proc/cpuinfo: bugs        : cpu_meltdown spectre_v1 spectre_v2
spec_store_bypass l1tf
/proc/cpuinfo: bogomips    : 6784.40
/proc/cpuinfo: clflush size    : 64
/proc/cpuinfo: cache_alignment    : 64
/proc/cpuinfo: address sizes    : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
/proc/cpuinfo: power management:
/proc/ioports: 0000-0cf7 : PCI Bus 0000:00
/proc/ioports:   0000-001f : dma1
/proc/ioports:   0020-0021 : pic1
/proc/ioports:   0040-0043 : timer0
/proc/ioports:   0050-0053 : timer1
/proc/ioports:   0060-0060 : keyboard
/proc/ioports:   0064-0064 : keyboard
/proc/ioports:   0070-0071 : rtc_cmos
/proc/ioports:     0070-0071 : rtc0
/proc/ioports:   0080-008f : dma page reg
/proc/ioports:   00a0-00a1 : pic2
/proc/ioports:   00c0-00df : dma2
/proc/ioports:   00f0-00ff : fpu
/proc/ioports:   0170-0177 : 0000:00:01.1
/proc/ioports:     0170-0177 : ata_piix
/proc/ioports:   01f0-01f7 : 0000:00:01.1
/proc/ioports:     01f0-01f7 : ata_piix
/proc/ioports:   0376-0376 : 0000:00:01.1
/proc/ioports:     0376-0376 : ata_piix
/proc/ioports:   03c0-03df : vesafb
/proc/ioports:   03f6-03f6 : 0000:00:01.1
/proc/ioports:     03f6-03f6 : ata_piix
/proc/ioports: 0cf8-0cff : PCI conf1
/proc/ioports: 0d00-ffff : PCI Bus 0000:00
/proc/ioports:   4000-4003 : ACPI PM1a_EVT_BLK
/proc/ioports:   4004-4005 : ACPI PM1a_CNT_BLK
/proc/ioports:   4008-400b : ACPI PM_TMR
/proc/ioports:   4020-4021 : ACPI GPE0_BLK
/proc/ioports:   d000-d00f : 0000:00:01.1
/proc/ioports:     d000-d00f : ata_piix
/proc/ioports:   d010-d017 : 0000:00:03.0
/proc/ioports:     d010-d017 : e1000
/proc/ioports:   d020-d03f : 0000:00:04.0
/proc/ioports:   d100-d1ff : 0000:00:05.0
/proc/ioports:   d200-d23f : 0000:00:05.0
/proc/ioports:   d240-d247 : 0000:00:0d.0
/proc/ioports:     d240-d247 : ahci
/proc/ioports:   d250-d257 : 0000:00:0d.0
/proc/ioports:     d250-d257 : ahci
/proc/ioports:   d260-d26f : 0000:00:0d.0
/proc/ioports:     d260-d26f : ahci
/proc/iomem: 00000000-00000fff : Reserved
/proc/iomem: 00001000-0009fbff : System RAM
/proc/iomem: 0009fc00-0009ffff : Reserved
/proc/iomem: 000a0000-000bffff : PCI Bus 0000:00
/proc/iomem: 000c0000-000c7fff : Video ROM
/proc/iomem: 000e2000-000ef9ff : Adapter ROM
/proc/iomem: 000f0000-000fffff : Reserved
/proc/iomem:   000f0000-000fffff : System ROM
/proc/iomem: 00100000-b9ceffff : System RAM
/proc/iomem:   a2000000-a2a031d0 : Kernel code
/proc/iomem:   a2a031d1-a313503f : Kernel data
/proc/iomem:   a35b9000-a37fffff : Kernel bss
/proc/iomem: b9cf0000-b9cfffff : ACPI Tables
/proc/iomem: b9d00000-ffdfffff : PCI Bus 0000:00
/proc/iomem:   e0000000-e1ffffff : 0000:00:02.0
/proc/iomem:     e0000000-e13fffff : vesafb
/proc/iomem:   f0000000-f001ffff : 0000:00:03.0
/proc/iomem:     f0000000-f001ffff : e1000
/proc/iomem:   f0400000-f07fffff : 0000:00:04.0
/proc/iomem:   f0800000-f0803fff : 0000:00:04.0
/proc/iomem:   f0804000-f0804fff : 0000:00:06.0
/proc/iomem:     f0804000-f0804fff : ohci_hcd
/proc/iomem:   f0806000-f0807fff : 0000:00:0d.0
/proc/iomem:     f0806000-f0807fff : ahci
/proc/iomem:   fec00000-fec003ff : IOAPIC 0
/proc/iomem:   fee00000-fee00fff : Local APIC
/proc/iomem: fffc0000-ffffffff : Reserved
/proc/interrupts:            CPU0       CPU1
/proc/interrupts:   0:         34          0   IO-APIC   2-edge      timer
/proc/interrupts:   1:          0       2799   IO-APIC   1-edge      i8042
/proc/interrupts:   8:          0          0   IO-APIC   8-edge      rtc0
/proc/interrupts:   9:          0          0   IO-APIC   9-fasteoi   acpi
/proc/interrupts:  12:          3          0   IO-APIC  12-edge      i8042
/proc/interrupts:  14:          0          0   IO-APIC  14-edge
/proc/interrupts:  15:        425          0   IO-APIC  15-edge
/proc/interrupts:  19:     200247          0   IO-APIC  19-fasteoi   enp0s3
/proc/interrupts:  21:          0     241049   IO-APIC  21-fasteoi
/proc/interrupts:  22:          0         23   IO-APIC  22-fasteoi
/proc/interrupts: NMI:          0          0   Non-maskable interrupts
/proc/interrupts: LOC:      81119      71059   Local timer interrupts
/proc/interrupts: SPU:          0          0   Spurious interrupts
/proc/interrupts: PMI:          0          0   Performance monitoring
/proc/interrupts: IWI:          0          1   IRQ work interrupts
/proc/interrupts: RTR:          0          0   APIC ICR read retries
/proc/interrupts: RES:     404603     327665   Rescheduling interrupts
/proc/interrupts: CAL:      12244      11822   Function call interrupts
/proc/interrupts: TLB:       1564       1705   TLB shootdowns
/proc/interrupts: TRM:          0          0   Thermal event interrupts
/proc/interrupts: THR:          0          0   Threshold APIC interrupts
/proc/interrupts: DFR:          0          0   Deferred Error APIC
/proc/interrupts: MCE:          0          0   Machine check exceptions
/proc/interrupts: MCP:         14         14   Machine check polls
/proc/interrupts: HYP:          0          0   Hypervisor callback
/proc/interrupts: HRE:          0          0   Hyper-V reenlightenment
/proc/interrupts: HVS:          0          0   Hyper-V stimer0 interrupts
/proc/interrupts: ERR:          0
/proc/interrupts: MIS:          0
/proc/interrupts: PIN:          0          0   Posted-interrupt
notification event
/proc/interrupts: NPI:          0          0   Nested posted-interrupt event
/proc/interrupts: PIW:          0          0   Posted-interrupt wakeup event
/proc/meminfo: MemTotal:        2972976 kB
/proc/meminfo: MemFree:          663352 kB
/proc/meminfo: MemAvailable:    2538436 kB
/proc/meminfo: Buffers:            2268 kB
/proc/meminfo: Cached:          2138524 kB
/proc/meminfo: SwapCached:            0 kB
/proc/meminfo: Active:          1505540 kB
/proc/meminfo: Inactive:         659424 kB
/proc/meminfo: Active(anon):     127328 kB
/proc/meminfo: Inactive(anon):    65672 kB
/proc/meminfo: Active(file):    1378212 kB
/proc/meminfo: Inactive(file):   593752 kB
/proc/meminfo: Unevictable:           0 kB
/proc/meminfo: Mlocked:               0 kB
/proc/meminfo: SwapTotal:             0 kB
/proc/meminfo: SwapFree:              0 kB
/proc/meminfo: Dirty:              1544 kB
/proc/meminfo: Writeback:             0 kB
/proc/meminfo: AnonPages:         24136 kB
/proc/meminfo: Mapped:             5008 kB
/proc/meminfo: Shmem:            168844 kB
/proc/meminfo: Slab:             106792 kB
/proc/meminfo: SReclaimable:      76556 kB
/proc/meminfo: SUnreclaim:        30236 kB
/proc/meminfo: KernelStack:        2052 kB
/proc/meminfo: PageTables:          500 kB
/proc/meminfo: NFS_Unstable:          0 kB
/proc/meminfo: Bounce:                0 kB
/proc/meminfo: WritebackTmp:          0 kB
/proc/meminfo: CommitLimit:     1486488 kB
/proc/meminfo: Committed_AS:     198204 kB
/proc/meminfo: VmallocTotal:   34359738367 kB
/proc/meminfo: VmallocUsed:           0 kB
/proc/meminfo: VmallocChunk:          0 kB
/proc/meminfo: Percpu:              376 kB
/proc/meminfo: HardwareCorrupted:     0 kB
/proc/meminfo: AnonHugePages:     18432 kB
/proc/meminfo: ShmemHugePages:        0 kB
/proc/meminfo: ShmemPmdMapped:        0 kB
/proc/meminfo: HugePages_Total:       0
/proc/meminfo: HugePages_Free:        0
/proc/meminfo: HugePages_Rsvd:        0
/proc/meminfo: HugePages_Surp:        0
/proc/meminfo: Hugepagesize:       2048 kB
/proc/meminfo: Hugetlb:               0 kB
/proc/meminfo: DirectMap4k:      119744 kB
/proc/meminfo: DirectMap2M:     2924544 kB
/proc/bus/input/devices: I: Bus=0011 Vendor=0001 Product=0001 Version=ab41
/proc/bus/input/devices: N: Name="AT Translated Set 2 keyboard"
/proc/bus/input/devices: P: Phys=isa0060/serio0/input0
/proc/bus/input/devices: S:
/proc/bus/input/devices: U: Uniq=
/proc/bus/input/devices: H: Handlers=sysrq kbd leds
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: PROP=0
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: EV=120013
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: KEY=402000000 3803078f800d001 feffffdfffefffff
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: MSC=10
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: LED=7
/proc/bus/input/devices: I: Bus=0003 Vendor=80ee Product=0021 Version=0110
/proc/bus/input/devices: N: Name="VirtualBox USB Tablet"
/proc/bus/input/devices: P: Phys=usb-0000:00:06.0-1/input0
/proc/bus/input/devices: S:
/proc/bus/input/devices: U: Uniq=
/proc/bus/input/devices: H: Handlers=mouse0
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: PROP=0
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: EV=1f
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: KEY=1f0000 0 0 0 0
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: REL=140
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: ABS=3
/proc/bus/input/devices: B: MSC=10
dmidecode: # dmidecode 3.2
dmidecode: Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.
dmidecode: SMBIOS 2.5 present.
dmidecode: 10 structures occupying 450 bytes.
dmidecode: Table at 0x000E1000.
dmidecode: Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 20 bytes
dmidecode: BIOS Information
dmidecode:     Vendor: innotek GmbH
dmidecode:     Version: VirtualBox
dmidecode:     Release Date: 12/01/2006
dmidecode:     Address: 0xE0000
dmidecode:     Runtime Size: 128 kB
dmidecode:     ROM Size: 128 kB
dmidecode:     Characteristics:
dmidecode:         ISA is supported
dmidecode:         PCI is supported
dmidecode:         Boot from CD is supported
dmidecode:         Selectable boot is supported
dmidecode:         8042 keyboard services are supported (int 9h)
dmidecode:         CGA/mono video services are supported (int 10h)
dmidecode:         ACPI is supported
dmidecode: Handle 0x0001, DMI type 1, 27 bytes
dmidecode: System Information
dmidecode:     Manufacturer: innotek GmbH
dmidecode:     Product Name: VirtualBox
dmidecode:     Version: 1.2
dmidecode:     Serial Number: 0
dmidecode:     UUID: 0b41b88e-94fc-4df4-bc53-2f0c2611237e
dmidecode:     Wake-up Type: Power Switch
dmidecode:     SKU Number: Not Specified
dmidecode:     Family: Virtual Machine
dmidecode: Handle 0x0008, DMI type 2, 15 bytes
dmidecode: Base Board Information
dmidecode:     Manufacturer: Oracle Corporation
dmidecode:     Product Name: VirtualBox
dmidecode:     Version: 1.2
dmidecode:     Serial Number: 0
dmidecode:     Asset Tag: Not Specified
dmidecode:     Features:
dmidecode:         Board is a hosting board
dmidecode:     Location In Chassis: Not Specified
dmidecode:     Chassis Handle: 0x0003
dmidecode:     Type: Motherboard
dmidecode:     Contained Object Handles: 0
dmidecode: Handle 0x0003, DMI type 3, 13 bytes
dmidecode: Chassis Information
dmidecode:     Manufacturer: Oracle Corporation
dmidecode:     Type: Other
dmidecode:     Lock: Not Present
dmidecode:     Version: Not Specified
dmidecode:     Serial Number: Not Specified
dmidecode:     Asset Tag: Not Specified
dmidecode:     Boot-up State: Safe
dmidecode:     Power Supply State: Safe
dmidecode:     Thermal State: Safe
dmidecode:     Security Status: None
dmidecode: Handle 0x0007, DMI type 126, 42 bytes
dmidecode: Inactive
dmidecode: Handle 0x0005, DMI type 126, 15 bytes
dmidecode: Inactive
dmidecode: Handle 0x0006, DMI type 126, 28 bytes
dmidecode: Inactive
dmidecode: Handle 0x0002, DMI type 11, 7 bytes
dmidecode: OEM Strings
dmidecode:     String 1: vboxVer_4.3.36
dmidecode:     String 2: vboxRev_105129
dmidecode: Handle 0x0008, DMI type 128, 8 bytes
dmidecode: OEM-specific Type
dmidecode:     Header and Data:
dmidecode:         80 08 08 00 DC C2 33 00
dmidecode: Handle 0xFEFF, DMI type 127, 4 bytes
dmidecode: End Of Table

-- System Information:
Debian Release: buster/sid
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 4.19.0-1-amd64 (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=C.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8), LANGUAGE=en
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /usr/bin/dash
Init: unable to detect

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