[ please larn to quote. thanks. ]

Felix Homann wrote:
> On Saturday 18 March 2006 13:20, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> > Felix Homann wrote:
> > > With openoffice.org-gcj installed none of the following wizards starts
> > > with whatever JRE:
> > >
> > >   From Writer: letter, fax, agenda, web page (presentation works!)
> > >   From Base: Create Table, Create Form, Create Report
> > >
> > > After removing openoffice.org-gcj some of the wizards start with some
> > > JREs but
> >
> > On which arch? They work here on i386 with -gcj installed but not on
> > powerpc. Which is why -gcj will be disabled for powerpc at the next
> > upload.
> it's on i386!

Useless use of !, no need to be louder, it was a question.
and it indeed doesn't work. I guess the also installed Blackdown JDK
interfered (/usr/bin/java where JAVA_HOOME of "Free Software Foundation"
1.4.2 is /usr...).

Will disable -gcj.



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