On Sat, Feb 02, 2019 at 10:32:31AM +0000, Rock Storm wrote:
     [ ...
       ITP golang-github-arduino-go-paths-helper
     ... ]
> The package 'arduino-builder' [1] has been split into several smaller
> Go libraries like this one (at least two more to come). Even
> though 'arduino-builder' is maintained by the electronics team, I
> believe this libraries should be maintained by the Go team.
> If you agree, then let this mail serve also as a formal request for the
> Go team to accept this package, and also to accept me in the team.
> @Geert, I'm CCing you so you are aware of this matter and in case
> you want to argue against.

Yes, got it.

Yes, https://github.com/arduino/go-paths-helper  is in go-lang.

Yes, packaging it like other go packages and together with the go team
is wise.

To prevent that the ITP + new team member message will be seen
as another ITP, did I change the Subject: header.

Geert Stappers

I'm not subscribed to debian-go@l.d.o
I'm subscribed to this bugreport

[1]: https://salsa.debian.org/electronics-team/arduino/arduino-builder
Leven en laten leven

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