Hi Matthias,

a finding that only one version of python will be supported is very
unpleasing. I miss such declaration in both debian wiki python page and
Debian Python policy, or its not clearly stated. And this is the first
place I found it.

I also miss a guideline for python developers to provide support of several
python versions. It is common to use tox and virtualenv to provide support
for them, which requires different versions of python interpreters to be

I'm also concerned that existence of python3-distutils, and not
python3.Y-distutils, will repeatedly break all existing virtualenvs in the
system when the python version changes, as we experience now.

I hope these concerns have been addressed before the decision to support
only one version of python and you can point on documents where I can find
further information about how to handle these cases from the point of view
of Python developer.


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