> On Feb 5, 2019, at 1:17 AM, Martín Ferrari <tin...@debian.org> wrote:
> On 05/02/2019 06:41, Stephen Gelman wrote:
>> I totally understand your concern.  I’m at least a few backported bug fixes 
>> deep and I am concerned the resulting package will have had so many changes 
>> applied that it will be a bit of a mess.
> Ouch. More reason to hold the upgrade then.

Sorry, I think you misinterpret what I mean: 0.34.1 works perfectly out of the 
box, I was referring to trying to get 0.9.0 working.  At this point there have 
already been 7 debian revisions of 0.9.0 so regardless of the outcome here I 
think we should plan to upload a newer version in the near future (though I 
agree with your point about getting 0.9.0 patched first).

>> As a middle ground, I think I can get 0.9.0 patched for now with the
> intention of uploading a new version once we are out of hot water here.
> Do you think that is reasonable?
> Yesm that sounds good. In fact, I was writing an email to you telling
> you that I think the fix is pretty easy: the breakage is because
> genproto removed a deprecated API
> (google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/speech/v1beta1) that this
> package depends on. The fix (as upstream did it) is to remove the
> packages that reflect that API, and it is easy to backport.
> I have already been working on this for a while. That problem is fixed,
> but there are still a few discrepancies with bigtable and spanner, which
> I hope to fix soon and upload. Unless you had already fixed that?

I am still getting through the spanner tests but I am pretty close to being 
done (I really truly hope).  If you want to complete it I am happy to back off 
and let you but I’m also happy to finish going through them.  Just let me know!


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