On Mon, 24 Sep 2018 at 21:18:47 +0100, Simon McVittie wrote:
> Most of the test cases provided with mozjs60 crash:
> grep '^TEST-' s390x.log | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq -c
>    6923 TEST-PASS

This seems to be endianness-related (works on 32-bit and on little-endian, but
is broken on 64-bit big-endian) so perhaps PowerPC porters would be interested
in helping here?

Upstream bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/1488552

My best attempt at backporting fixes (still fails many tests on s390x):

I've got as far as I can with this and would really appreciate a porter
or a Mozilla expert taking over.

Note that any patches proposed for this should also be tested on 32-bit BE
(mips or powerpc) since it looks as though the patches that were applied
upstream are probably going to break those.


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