tags 921738 + wontfix

This package is *not* widevine. It is the *support* for the legacy
widevine cdm. You still have to download the widevine cdm from
widevine.com/google. Google prohibits its distribution without a

> "Google Inc. and its affiliates ("Google") own all legal right, title and
> interest in and to the content decryption module software ("Software") and
> related documentation, including any intellectual property rights in the
> Software. You may not use, modify, sell, or otherwise distribute the Software
> without a separate license agreement with Google.  The Software is not open
> source software.
> If you are interested in licensing the Software, please contact
> widev...@google.com.

This package was removed from newer releases of the chromium package.
The new widevine cdm module (4.10.1196.0) will be loaded directly by
the browser from /usr/lib/chromium/libwidevinecdm.so when you have a
version installed which isn't affected by
https://bugs.debian.org/916058 - you still have to get

If you are interested in automatically installing this plugin then
please use the approach by
https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/pepperflashplugin-nonfree and upload
the download helper to contrib/web.

As far as I know, Mozilla has a license to use widevine but not a
license to distribute it. Steam/Valve maybe has a license to
redistribute it (I could be wrong but I thought that it was in their
steam runtime) and the chrome team definitely has a license to
distribute it.

You have to contact netflix directly about their wrong help message

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