Package: libgraphviz-dev

Dear maintainers of the graphviz package,

installing libgraphviz-dev pulls many X-related libs and applications. This happens because the libgraphviz-dev package Depends on various non-dev packages that in turn, depend on various libs and applications.

For examples

    libgraphviz-dev ->
        libgvc6-plugins-gtk ->
            libgtk2.0-0 ->
                libcups2 ->


    libgraphviz-dev ->
        libgvc6 ->
            libgd3 ->
                libpangocairo-1.0-0 ->

Would it be possible to prune the dependencies so that libgraphviz-dev can be installed in a headless development system without bringing in X-related applications and libs?


Gioele Barabucci <>

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