Hello Tony,

tony mancill (Sunday 2019-03-10):
> I had a try at this.  I pulled the latest upstream release 1.4.5 from
> gprolog.org [1], which is dated February of 2019 and it exhibits the
> same problem reported in this bug report.

Are you sure?  The official 1.4.5 works for me when compiled from
source and installed into a directory that is in my PATH.  Remember
that the toplevel gprolog invokes various binaries, e.g. pl2wam;
are you sure you didn't have the buggy pl2wam in your PATH?  It has
bitten me before while testing.

> Also problematic is that the sources for version 1.4.5 found on
> gprolog.org differ substantially from the 1.4.5 sources found in Debian.

As far as I understand it, that's because Debian's "1.4.5" isn't the
release, it's development code pulled from gprolog's git repository
a couple of years ago, sometime after 1.4.4 was released.

                                        Best regards,
                                        Cedric Ware.

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