Package: debian-installer
Version: Buster, debian-testing-amd64-DVD-1.iso, downloaded 2019-03-16

I hope the installer could be a little more flexible in regards to  EFI
partition, or is it because it require a SWAP partition, haven't been able
to point down the problem. Can only make a successful installation using

Why put a size limit which is way larger than the technical limit?
This is Linux, not Apple or Windows!

I believe you can install grub2 on a 5MB FAT16 partition if you prefer.
But the installer absolutely want a very big partition.
There might be a technical reason, but I assume is just a matter of
opinion, right?
It fine it give a warning, but please let the user decide what to do. He
know what is best for him, not you. It is a very paternalistic attitude and
very far from the Linux spirit.

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