Hi Jérémy,

many thanks for your feedback!

On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 07:43:47PM +0100, Jérémy Viès wrote:
> I've just discovered and then set-up di-netboot-assistant to manage several
> debian netboot versions.
> It works great when it manages setup di-netboot-assistant installed by itself,
> but it fails to configure correctly already installed installers from official
> packages.
> I get a "No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!" when the PXE client
> boots on one of these installer.

I am just setting up an up-to-date test environment to reproduce the
error.  Just to make sure:  Did you bind mount the packaged installer
images as decribed in the README [1]:

   Using packaged debian-installer images
       You can also use the images provided by the
       debian-installer-*-netboot-* packages.
       1. Install the needed debian-installer-*-netboot-* packages.
       2. Bind mount or copy '/usr/lib/debian-installer/' to your
          tftp root directory:
            mount --bind /usr/lib/debian-installer/ $TFTP_ROOT/d-i/n-pkg/
          To make this persistent, add the following line to '/etc/fstab':
            /usr/lib/debian-installer/  $TFTP_ROOT/d-i/n-pkg/  none  bind  0  0
       3. Add the corresponding menu entries to the boot menu by running:
            di-netboot-assistant -v rebuild-menu

Best regards,


[1] /usr/share/doc/di-netboot-assistant/README.gz

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