Hello Bernhard,

yes, I still encounter this bug in Debian/testing (Buster).

I still can't login to a GNOME session using sddm.

Using startx and running gnome-session from ~/.xinitrc everything works

I suspect running the X session from a display manager some environment
variables do not get set correctly also. Because when I login to
Enlightenment DR17 through sddm I also have an error configuring
desktop-file-utils though apt.

Here is the error shown:

Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils (0.23-4) ...
dpkg: error processing package desktop-file-utils (--configure):
 installed desktop-file-utils package post-installation script
subprocess returned error exit status 1

Running apt via an login shell on the console everything works fine and the 
post-installation script succeeds.

I don't have any of those old GNOME applications installed, you mentioned.

I still wonder what could be the issue. 

Thanks for your help.

Yours sincerely,


With many greetings from Leipzig, Germany.
Adrian Immanuel Kieß 

Gothaer Straße 34
D-04155 Leipzig

Administrator & programmer
Unix ∧ Perl ∧ Java ∧ LaTeX

📪 — < adr...@kiess.onl >
🌍 — https://www.kiess.onl # Dem Ingenieur ist nichts zu schwör
☕ — https://arosusi.kiess.onl # Nickpage of Adrian Immanuel Kieß
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echo "Your fortune cookie: " && /usr/games/fortune -c -s
> (people) % Others can stop you temporarily, only you can do it permanently.

echo "KIESS.ONL uptime: " && /usr/bin/uptime
> 06:07:59 up 3 days, 23:43, 6 users, load average: 1.59, 1.60, 1.63

On Sat, 2019-03-16 at 16:47 +0100, Bernhard Übelacker wrote:
> Hello Adrian Immanuel,
> I am sorry for the late reply.
> First a question: Do you still observe this fault?
> I took a look today inside the md5sums you supplied
> and tried to reproduce this setup inside a VM.
> Unfortunately I found following old packages that are not
> packaged in Debian anymore or maybe not installed in the
> latest version:
>   nautilus-pastebin: last built 2012, found just at
> snapshot.debian.org
>   geoclue: last in jessie
>   easytag: not in the lastest version?
>   command-runner-applet: last in jessie
>   gnome-search-tool: last in stretch
>   sflphone-gnome: last in stretch
> Can you please have a look at these packages, if you
> really use them?
> If not you might uninstall them and test if you still
> can observe the not launching applications?
> If you use synaptic, there should be a folder with outdated packages.
> However, I tried to put your gsettings.compiled into that VM
> and could login into GNOME and GNOME Classic sessions without
> hitting that fault (traps: gnome-session-b...).
> Kind regards,
> Bernhard

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