On 31.3.2019 21.23, Michael Biebl wrote:
Can you post the exact commands you used and what you did next.
I'm not quite sure what you mean with "application of the new layout to
the virtual consoles is delayed".
Did you logout/login again in the mean time and still got the same layout?

Let's say we want to use the "fi" keyboard layout with variant "das". It is one of those "exotic" variants that are in the xkb's "base.extras.xml". I am not quite sure whether or not it matters. Then we run:

$ localectl set-x11-keymap fi das

The layout is not applied immediately. I am not sure when it is applied, but apparently it eventually will be. Sometimes running "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" and telling it to keep the current /etc/default/keyboard settings helps, but for some reason my system does not show that option anymore. Anyway, no further steps should be necessary after running that localectl command. This issue is not limited to the CLI configuration: gnome-control-center also uses localed to choose the system-wide keyboard mapping.

Btw, "fi das" is a non-QWERTY layout so it is recommendable to do these tests on a machine that has a SSH server or something other that can be used to switch the layout back.

TTBOMK, localectl just writes to /etc/default/keyboard and /etc/default
/console-setup and leaves it up to console-setup to apply those changes,
which is usually done during bootup.
There is also a /lib/udev/rules.d/90-console-setup.rules, i.e is
triggered via udev. So it might be possible, that console-setup applies
the changes when the hardware configuration changes.

Yeah, just noticed that myself. On Debian localed apparently just edits the while when console-setup applies it.


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