Control: severity -1 normal
Control: retitle -1 iotop: crashes with versions of Linux that insert spaces 
into /proc/*/status

On Tue, 2019-04-02 at 11:46 -0600, Neil Tallim wrote:

> I am running a mostly vanilla upstream kernel (for a class of
> special-purpose devices that have some unusual quirks) that does
> include blank lines.

Any chance you could upgrade to either the Debian kernel or one based
on the Debian kernel or on 4.19 mainline and see if any of them fix it?

Also, I suggest you try to get those quirks fixed in Linux mainline,
so that you don't have to keep building Linux yourself :)

> (4.4 rather than 4.19 and not running Debian patches, where it looks
> like an Ubuntu patch was adopted to remove the newline)

Do you have any details about which patch this is?

Also, it would be great if you could try to get the patch into the
Linux kernel's mainline stable releases.


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