Control: reassign -1 rkhunter

Am 12.04.19 um 14:53 schrieb Andrew J. Buehler:
> It is possible to whitelist this filename in rkhunter's configuration 
> settings,
> but doing so does - however mildly - increase the likelihood that if this
> malware does get a foothold on the system, rkhunter will not detect it. Thus, 
> a
> way to remove this false positive from the udev side would be preferable.

Fwiw, this only affects sysvinit systems and I'm not convinced the udev
package should work around rkhunter limitations.
Clearly this is a false-positive of rkhunter and should be fixed there.
I'll reassign this to rkhunter.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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