On Tue, Apr 23, 2019 at 09:06:12AM +0200, Christoph Biedl wrote:
> Josh Triplett wrote...
> > debootstrap currently only supports a single mirror.  For testing
> > initial install scenarios with modified packages, it would help greatly
> > to have support for an additional mirror, to allow pointing at a Debian
> > mirror for the majority of packages and a local mirror for a few
> > modified packages.
> Same here, but after some poking in the sources it seems it's not that
> simple to achieve.
> At least for me however it was good enough if I could provide some
> Debian packages by filename or URL on debootstrap's command line,
> somewhat similar to the --extra-package option of sbuild. These packaged
> would be installed unconditionally, possibly overriding any package
> found on the provided mirror. However, validation of any signatures does
> not take place.

I'd certainly find that helpful, though not a substitute for having an
additional mirror with full verification.

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