Il 30/04/19 18:45, Carsten Schoenert ha scritto:
Am 30.04.19 um 16:00 schrieb Piviul:
Il 30/04/19 15:00, Carsten Schoenert ha scritto:
The AppArmor thingy isn't that intelligent and flexible to detect such
but it was, because as I have told you, before recent updates
thunderbird has been working without any problems even with the apparmor
profile enabled.

I don't think so. :)
You are on stable so no new features where added to apparmor by any
update on the package. The last update was this one.
There had been some misunderstandings and I try to smooth away them... after recent updates in my PC, TB has stopped working and I have opened a bug report showing some logs. You say that was AA that caused TB to stop and the cause is an unusual home path of remote users. You show me that was possible to add my remote user's homes to the paths of user's homes in AA. I have discovered AA and I have enabled it in others TB in my PCs and I have appreciated very much the effort you are doing to enforce the security in linux systems :) Well, but who has enabled AA in PC? I'm sure that I have not worked on /etc in these days and I am the only one can access on it. In my opinion there is a bug in some package update that has enabled TB AA profile... but in effect I realize that to be believable someone else would find this unbelievable behaviour...

Thank you indeed to all of you to make linux better.


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