
On Mon, 29 Apr 2019 11:18:27 +0200 Louis van Belle wrote:
> File : /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.ntpd
> Wrong: 
>   # samba4 ntp signing socket
>   /{,var/}run/samba/ntp_signd/socket rw,
> Correct: 
>   # To sign replies to MS-SNTP clients by the smbd daemon in /var/lib/samba
>   /var/lib/samba/ntp_signd r,

This line looks wrong (or, more likely, superfluous). According to the 
next rule you added, /var/lib/samba/ntp_signd is a directory. However, 
to give permissions for a directory, it needs to have a trailing slash:
   /var/lib/samba/ntp_signd/ r,
Since things work for you without the additional slash, that means that 
you probably don't need this rule.

>   /var/lib/samba/ntp_signd/{,*} rw,

This rule includes directory access (directory listing and, thanks to 
the w, mkdir).

However I wonder if it really needs to be that broad - the old rule only 
allowed access to .../ntp_signd/socket, not to the directory listing, 
and not to other files in that directory.

I have a feeling that you wrote these rules based on assumptions, but 
I'd prefer to base them on audit.log events ;-)
Can you please provide the AppArmor DENIED (or ALLOWED if running in 
complain mode) lines you got for the samba profile?

BTW: Upstream AppArmor prefers to stay backwards-compatible, so it might 
be a good idea to allow the "wrong" and the "correct" path - the "wrong"
path probably was correct a while ago, and maybe some people still use it?
(questionmark intentional - you are the samba expert ;-)

>   # samba4 winbindd pipe 
>   /{,var/}run/samba/winbindd r,

Another useless (and superfluous) directory rule without a trailing 
slash, please delete it.

BTW: Do you use the samba profiles from upstream AppArmor?
- If so,  please  contribute your additions upstream at 
- If not - why? ;-)


Christian Boltz
what is Office? Is that software I need if I work in an office
(e.g. patience game)?      [Stephan Kulow in opensuse-factory]

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