On Tuesday, 7 May 2019 11:28:31 CEST you wrote:
> If I use "GPL-3+ with Font-exception-2.0" as a license short name in my
> debian/copyright file, I get:
> $ cme update dpkg-copyright
> Updating data...
> Configuration item 'Files:"etc/fonts/*" License short_name' has a wrong
> value: value 'GPL-3+ with Font-exception-2.0' does not match grammar from
> model
> But this is a perfectly valid syntax for a license short name, see:
>  https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/#license-> 
> short-name

If I interpret correctly the spec, the exception should be in the form
"with keywords exception", where keywords can be "Font" and "OpenSSL"
or any other keyword if new permissions are granted.

cme will allow any keyword to be used, but requires the "exception"
word at the end of the sentence.

In your case, you can try 'GPL-3+ with Font-exception-2.0 exception'.

All the best


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