On Fri, 17 May 2019, Harald Dunkel wrote:

> AFAIU #794466 seems to be a political issue. Debian wants to provide

Nah, it’s an Oracle issue. They did the same with MySQL IIRC, which
has nowadays been replaced by MariaDB as this is untenable with the
reliability promises Debian gives.

> and Oracle wants to support just the most recent versions, introducing

That is worded in a way to make the sentence wrong. What they do is
not publish security details, so others cannot even support older
versions *themselves*, which is proactively harmful. AIUI you get a
new release and either take it or not, with no separation of patches.

But this is all irrelevant for backports (setting Reply-To appro‐
priately) as n-backports ship whatever is in (n+1) or, if n+1 is
not yet released, testing, and n-backports-sloppy ship whatever
is in (n+1)-backports, so if anything is “not suitable for a stable
release” it is automatically not suitable for backports, either.

There has been discussion of a “not-backports” thing that could be
the scope for this (codenamed “volatile” although that codename was
not well received), but that is also being discussed elsewhere.

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