Package: bilibop-lockfs
Version: 0.5.6

In lockfs mode, if there are any vfat mounts to be protected, they are
ignored and simply mounted as read-write. Everything else is properly
protected with overlayfs.

Isn't it kind of dangerous?.. The user is expecting everything to be safe!

If it is not possible to protect a vfat filesystem due to overlayfs
limitations, then maybe it should be mounted read-only instead of
read-write? At least then the user will notice it before breaking
something, and add it to the whitelist if they want it read-write,
easily replicating the current behaviour. And currently, there is no way
to do the opposite - which is, "in lockfs mode, mount everything that
can not be properly protected as read-only".

This is reproducible on Debian Buster amd64 , and also on Raspbian
Stretch with bilibop 0.5.6 from Debian Buster armhf.


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