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On 30-05-2019 22:18, Paul Gevers wrote:
> Hi Timo,
> On 30-05-2019 13:18, Timo Aaltonen wrote:
>> Hi, I don't know how much would have to be backported, but it's probably
>> better to just unblock freeipa 4.7.2-3 instead, because python-jwcrypto
>> is a dep of freeipa-server (which isn't built on sid/buster).
> Do I understand correctly that the code is present to build it, you just
> don't do that in Debian? Do you suggest to change this bug to "unblock:
> freeipa/4.7.2-3" instead then? (I would be willing to unblock it, but
> then python-jwcrypto would go).
>> That way
>> current client-only freeipa would remain on buster. Custodia is another
>> package which depends on -jwcrypto, but it's again a server thing so can
>> be removed from buster.
> These package are all from the same team, I guess the team agrees?
> Paul

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