Am 04.06.19 um 14:25 schrieb Simon Beirnaert:
> Sorry for the late reply here. Got caught up in other stuff. I did 
> some digging around. Set the loglevel with systemd-analyze to debug 
> and also added the debug flag to
> What I noticed is that on boot, when 5000+ machines try to 
> authenticate at once, pam_systemd seems to fall on its ass and fail 
> due to resource exhaustion. An excerpt from journalctl is attached 
> below.
> I thought this might've been the reason behind sshd processes not 
> being assigned to the correct slice, but the processes for which 
> these log entries are generated are not available on the system 
> anymore, which I take as meaning that the sshd process exited 
> because it couldn't open a session.
> I tried to go about it the other way around and search for logs 
> generated by any sshd process which is under the system.slice. I
> used this oneliner to do so:
> for i in $(systemctl status ssh | grep 'sshd: <user>' | sed -E 
> 's/[^0-9]*([0-9]*)[^0-9]*/\1/'); do echo "==> logs for process $i"; 
> journalctl | grep '\[$i\]'; done | less
> The search came up empty. For none of the currently 7000+ sshd 
> processes which aren't in the correct user slice, there are any logs 
> in journalctl. I verified and all logs since boot time are currently 
> still in the journal, it hasn't rotated yet.

If you have 5000 users authenticate at once, I can imagine, that
libpam-systemd/systemd/dbus run into some limits.
Would you mind testing with v241 (either from backports or by setting up
a buster system) and if the problem is still reproducible, file it
upstream at


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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