On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 4:03 PM Chris Lamb <la...@debian.org> wrote:
> Chris Lamb wrote:
> The naïve solution here might be to save & restore debian/test-out
> between runs.

I do not think that will work for very long, although there is a
better chance if we separate the expected tags from the artifact
directory. (The expected tags change relatively often a new checks are
implemented or old ones are tweaked.)

> There's currently no magical command in the
> fancy test runner of yours that will rebuild any missing or otherwise
> changed test packages is there…?

We used filesystem timestamps for a while, but the standard resolution
(1 sec) was not granular enough. AFAIR, we now generate everything
every time. We instead split the generation of test packages from the
test runs, although they currently just run consecutively. We could
probably skip the generation of test packages if they are already
present and nothing in t/ has changed.

> In other
> words, are we barking up the wrong tree here and what we need to do is
> use different GitLab CI stage altogether and pass "artifacts" around
> instead?
>   https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/caching/index.html#cache-vs-artifacts

Artifacts may work, but uploading them separately without a dependency
scheme seems to invite other problems. Also, your local build
architecture and environment—which may figure into the artifacts you
upload—may not match what the the runner needs. (I am thinking about
stable or ubuntu-devel.)

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