On 6/22/19 12:16 PM, Adam Borowski wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 11:26:40AM +0200, Tobias Hansen wrote:
>> On 6/21/19 10:54 PM, Adam Borowski wrote:
>>> (patch is 
>>> https://salsa.debian.org/pulseaudio-team/pulseaudio/merge_requests/5)
>>> On Fri, Jun 21, 2019 at 11:37:48AM +0200, Tobias Hansen wrote:
>>>> I just updated by system from stretch to buster and after that there was 
>>>> no sound in GNOME because pulseaudio was not started.
>>>> It can be easily worked around by setting "autospawn = yes" in 
>>>> ~/.config/pulse/client.conf but it's quite an annoying regression.
>>>> Can this still be fixed for buster? Can we make it an RC bug?
>> But I am using systemd and saw this regression anyway. Let me test that 
>> patch.
> Then my patch can't possibly work for you, as it re-enables autospawn on
> !systemd only.  You may have ran into some other autospawn bug.
> In other words:
> * on !systemd, PA never starts (which makes the package useless)
> * on systemd, PA still fails to start in some cases
> I don't know enough about either PA or systemd to meaningfully help you
> debug that case -- and my fix affects !systemd only.

Ok, my problem was that /run/user/1000 was mounted in the fstab of a schroot. 
That caused /run/user/1000 to be owned by root and then XDG_RUNTIME_DIR was not 
defined and systemd somehow didn't start pulseaudio. Sorry for the noise.



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