On Sun, 23 Jun 2019, Koen Wybo wrote:
> A new installation with Buster RC1-installer made it impossible to login in
> GNOME with default Wayland-session enabled. You are not able to login and you

Could you tell us your system's full model and exact firmware release,
please?  Otherwise, we cannot do much about it.  Also, the output of
"iucode-tool -Sv" as root, please.

dmidecode should have all the information (be careful, it also has
serial numbers and UUIDs, which you DO NOT want to post to the bug
tracking system).

We should already be telling users to update their firmware BEFORE they
attempt to install Debian, but often such updates are not available...
Fortunately, it looks like in your case a text install can work, in the
worst cases the installer itself has to update the microcode -- and I
don't know if the non-free installer can do that.


What out of tree module caused this?

  Henrique Holschuh

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