tags -1 + moreinfo

Hi András,

> I just wrote this script:
> https://gist.github.com/akorn/51ee2fe7d36fa139723c851d87e56096 and thought
> it might be a good addition to moreutils.
> It caches the stdout, stderr and exit status of arbitrary commands for a
> configurable length of time, returning data from cache on subsequent
> invocations if the cache is still fresh.

thanks for your suggestion; I think it's quite an interesting idea!
And you made me curious:  which commands are you running through
'runcached'?  All programs I thought of have their basic functionality
based on side-effects as file system or network access.

> It currently has semi-esoteric dependencies: it's written in zsh and uses
> chpst from the runit package for locking. If you're willing to include the
> script I can change it to use flock(1) instead, but I'm not rewriting it in
> POSIX sh.

Adding new scripts to the moreutils collection is usually done by
forwarding to the upstream maintainer (Joey Hess <jo...@joey.name>) and
asking for script inclusion.  But, as Joey keeps more than just one eye
on cross platform compatibility, I expect non-POSIX implementations to
be rejected.  Do you keep your non-POSIX statement?

Did you think about the license you want to stick it to? GPL2+?

Kind regards,

epost: nico...@fjasle.eu               irc://oftc.net/nsc
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