On 12.12.12 05:47, Andres Cimmarusti wrote:

Hi Andres,

> Using a local configuration/initialization file (latexmkrc in same 
> location as .tex file), I'm passing a path option to 'kpsewhich', so 
> that it knows where to look for my bib file:
> $kpsewhich = "kpsewhich -path=bibliography %S";
> This is the result of invoking latexmk:

> So it seems latexmk finds the bib file (or rather kpsewhich does), but 
> somehow this information is not passed to bibtex which fails 
> catastrophically (the same happens to a similar tool as latexmk called 
> rubber).
I'm trying to understand your bug report.

1. I do not understand your statement "latexmk finds the bib file (or
rather kpsewhich does)". On my system (Debian unstable) the kpsewhich
command does not find your bibliography.

hille@sid:~/devel/TeXLive/open_bugs/695733 $ kpsewhich
--path=bibliography latexmk_bibtex_test
hille@sid:~/devel/TeXLive/open_bugs/695733 $

Please note that %S expands to the TeX source file, if I understand
correctly. The kpsewhich works, when all informations about the bib file
are submitted:

hille@sid:~/devel/TeXLive/open_bugs/695733 $ kpsewhich
--path=$PWD/bibliography testbib.bib
hille@sid:~/devel/TeXLive/open_bugs/695733 $

..however I don't see much gain in doing it this way. Putting $PWD into
latexmkrc does not work anyway.

2. kpsewhich is very good in finding files, when they are indexed in a
ls-lR database, which is probably not the case four your personal files.

So my understanding is that you have wrong expectations, what kpsewhich
can do for you when searching files. Submitting the subdir directly in
the TeX source file seems to be a more smart solution:


Let me know your thoughts,
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