Hi Scott

Thanks for your fast answer and update. Great to hear that the package
is on the way.

I've never maintained a Debian package before but I'll be happy to learn it.


Am 03.07.19 um 08:10 schrieb Scott Hardin:
> Hi Kalsan,
> Just to give you a status update, I have the Debian package building
> successfully. Now, it's just a matter of ensuring the documentation is
> up-to-date and correcting logistical information related to the
> package. After that, I think this package will be in good shape.
> Admittedly, I've been neglecting the last part a little. 😉
> Have you maintained a package before? Having someone I could bounce
> random questions off of would be a pretty nice thing.
> Thanks,
> Scott
> On Tue, Jul 2, 2019 at 3:39 AM Sandro Kalbermatter <b...@kalsan.ch
> <mailto:b...@kalsan.ch>> wrote:
>     Hi Scott!
>     5 months have passed, so I'd like to bump on this topic. I've used
>     mp3gain for so long and I miss it badly in more recent Debian
>     versions.
>     Now that Buster is about to come up, I was really hoping for it to be
>     re-introduced. Can I be of any help?
>     Cheers!
>     Kalsan

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