On 7/3/19 6:05 PM, Michael Biebl wrote:
> Am 03.07.19 um 17:45 schrieb Harald Dunkel:
>> I have commented out the delaycompress in all logrotate config files (>10)
>> on all my Debian hosts (>300) running squeeze and newer.
>> No problem since then, AFAICT.
> And with delaycompress you still encounter the problem?
> If so, does it affect recent versions of rsyslog as well?

Sorry to say, but I don't have hosts in this configuration anymore.
These are production hosts. Its pretty painful if some logfiles
are overwritten.

In 2013 there was no systemd yet (AFAIR), but today I am using both
systemd and sysvinit (without delaycompress).


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