On Thu, Jul 04, 2019 at 12:00:10PM -0400, Theodore Ts'o wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 03, 2019 at 07:59:11PM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
> > I don't think that having an e2 file system on a LUKS device on an LVM
> > logical volume is such an exotic thing to have.
> It's not exotic, but it's not something we had tested.  So thanks for
> your bug report!  On my system I have the LVM PV on top of the LUKS
> device (so that all of the LV's are encrypted), and on your system you
> have it the other way around.

Yes, Debian does it like LV-on-PV-on-LUKS, I do it the other way because
I have some LVs with very private contents that only get unlocked when
I'm actually using it, and therefore the LUKS-on-LV scheme is more
practical here.

> So the problem is that when we scan for LVM devices:
> lvs -o lv_path --noheadings -S 
> "lv_active=active,lv_role=public,lv_role!=snapshot,vg_free>256"
> we get /dev/fan-c/root,


> but then when we then run lsblk on that
> device, we get something like this:
> sdb                       8:16   0 931,5G  0 disk  
> fan-c_root          253:0    0 417,2G  0 lvm   
> └─root              253:28   0 417,2G  0 crypt /


> And so when we run lsblk -o NAME,MOUNTPOINT,FSTYPE -P -n -p
> /dev/fan-c/root we get both the top-level and subdevice:
> NAME="/dev/mapper/fan-c_root" MOUNTPOINT="" FSTYPE="crypto_LUKS"
> NAME="/dev/mapper/root" MOUNTPOINT="/" FSTYPE="ext4"


> Thanks again for the bug report!

Thanks for the reaction, for the analysis, and for the fix.

> P.S.  Sorry for the complexity; we were trying to use systemd to
> handle the error reporting.  I do wonder if we would have been better
> off if we done things the more old-fashioned way, instead of trying to
> take advantage of all of systemd's "value add".  My personal opinion
> is whether or not we like systemd, it's won the war, so we might as
> well try to take advantages of it, since we're stuck with the
> disadvantages.

I agree with you there. A few word of explanation in some readme or in
the mail sent out by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/e2fsprogs/e2scrub_fail)
would have been nice though.

>     e2scrub_all: correctly handle the case where LUKS is stacked on an LV
>     We handle the case where an LVM's PV is stacked on top of a dm-crypt
>     device, but not the case where it's the other way around, where a LVM
>     LV contains a LUKS encrypted file system.  Fix this oversight.
>     Addresses-Debian-Bug: #931387
>     Reported-by: Marc Haber <m...@zugschlus.de>

Please don't use the unplussed mail address that I have never
communicated. mh+debian-b...@zugschlus.de would be enough, it's a valid
and working address, and one that spammers don't handle too well.


Marc Haber         | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Leimen, Germany    |  lose things."    Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 6224 1600402
Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 6224 1600421

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