* Thomas Lange [Thu Jul 11, 2019 at 11:19:08AM +0200]:
> >>>>> On Thu, 11 Jul 2019 10:16:25 +0200, Michael Prokop <m...@debian.org> 
> >>>>> said:

>     > it's *way* faster (debootstrap takes >2mins, while mmdebstrap takes
>     > only ~20 seconds).

> In my environment debootstrap only takes 31 sec and mmdebstrap
> 14 sec. So, the absolute gain is not that big. In debootstrap 1.0.112
> my patches for a speedup of 2 where applied, so maybe you are still
> using debootstrap from stretch.

I tested this with the version from Debian/buster back then.
But even if it's "only" 31 vs 14 secs, that's still a speedup of >2.


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