On Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 11:17:56AM -0400, Thomas Ward wrote:
> Tobias,
> Thanks for the response by the way - I appreciate more than just me
> taking a look at this, and I definitely appreciate everyone being
> willing to read

well, I'm on the MIA alias, that's why I've got your mail ;-)

> On 7/13/19 7:41 AM, Tobias Frost wrote:
> > Hi Thomas,
> >
> > thanks for this ITS!
> >
> > On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 12:37:30PM -0400, Thomas Ward wrote:
> >> Also note that because of the package being out of date, and no response
> >> from maintainer yet, downstream in Ubuntu the packages have diverged so
> >> that this can be updated downstream from Debian.  This is visible at
> >> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xca/2.1.2-0ubuntu1 if you wish to
> >> see the package properly.
> Just as an FYI, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xca/2.1.2-0ubuntu2
> was recently uploaded to Ubuntu, and move the PostgreSQL and MySQL bits
> over to a Recommends instead of a full dependency (though the sqlite
> bits are still a requisite for it to 'just function normally' for local
> operation).  This was in recommendation from another MOTU downstream. 
> (But has no impact on the fact we are diverged downstream until we come
> up with a solution here in Debian for this package).
> >> NOTE: there is no 'source' package Vcs store anymore that can be
> >> publicly used, so this package drops the Vcs-Git line in control. 
> >> Eventually I'd like to include this in Salsa, but that's not yet doable.
> > Yes, it is unfortunate that the repo is gone…
> > Can you elaborate why salsa is not doable? Can we help?
> Help would definitely be nice, the main reason I said 'salsa is not
> doable' is because I'm still figuring out some quirks of
> git-buildpackage (gbp from hereon out in this email).  But I think I
> figured out the headache I was running into here regarding Salsa.
> The Salsa specific headaches I was running into was because of a
> combination of problems, actually. Firstly, I was trying to create a
> local Git repo on a system that was APPARENTLY set up to use Linux home
> dirs on a Samba share that was being stupid.  This was at work.
> Secondly, my Internet decided to consider Salsa unreachable for some
> reason on my residential class network.
> Thirdly, when I used the business static connection I have at my home,
> IDS triggered.  Which is annoying.  Finally can get to Salsa's "Create
> Repository" function now.

Ok, seems indeed a bumpy ride, glad that you were able to fix it.
Said that, I can also create a repository for you e.g in the Debian
namspace, (I see it is in your own namespace, this is OK but a Team's or
the Debian namespace would be better). Let me know and I'll set you up.

> Finally, note that I am not a DM or a DD yet - I do not have direct
> upload rights to Debian, and on Salsa I am only a 'guest' user at the
> moment.

It's not only, you can use salsa as everyone else, with the caveat that
you might have not all those permissions a project member (aka Debian
Developer, DD for short) has, but if you're lacking something you can
always ask a DD for what can be done…
(The suffix "-guest" is to avoid name-clashes with for project members,
see https://wiki.debian.org/Salsa/Doc)

> Also note that downstream from Debian, in Ubuntu, I have Core Developer
> rights, which give me full upload to all pockets (Main, Universe,
> Multiverse, etc.) in Ubuntu, if this gives any impact on whether my keys
> need to be included in Debian's keyrings or not or whether this can be
> utilized as a mechanism to assist me in getting a standard developer
> account on Salsa rather than the guest account I am currently using,
> that'd be great.

Well, being an Ubuntu developer has at least the advantage that Debian
processes not be competly new for you, while there are for sure some
differences. However it has no special meaning when it comes to become
to obtaining upload rights within Debian. Getting upload rights means
that your need to have at least Debian Maintainer (DM) status, which is
usually a required step before becoming DD. To become DM you first need to
contribute to Debian, so that people will know you and your skills; to
become DM/DD you need be advocated by a DD. (It is common that the DD
that have sponsored your work will be the one advocating you:)
As this is quite a terse summary, let me give you a few links about the

You might ask who to start here: With your intend to salvagage xca you
actually have done the first step already. Next step is to prepare the
package and have it reviewed. Commonly mentors.debian.net is used for
that, you might find also the resources there useful, for example
https://mentors.debian.net/intro-maintainers. Very likely your Ubuntu
expierence will be very helpful to create a policy-compliant package,
but that page has resources to dive deep into the package details.

Once you're ready, please feel free to ping me, I might review your
package! (I'll likely do, but I cant promise right now due to time

> > (Appologizes if I tell you something you know already: gitbuildpacakge
> > has an import feature for all previous Debian versions from snapshot.d.o
> > .. If you make a git repo, would be nice if you could include all
> > previpous versions)
> This is where some help would be nice - I'm still learning gbp as it
> isn't part of my USUAL downstream process in Ubuntu for the packages I
> work with (nginx primarily, with countless drive-by fixes and uploads
> I've done in other packages).  Is this automatic, or is this a flag in
> gbp that I have to provide to gbp?

  gbp import-dscs --debsnap --pristine-tar xca 

There is no need to base your complete workflow on gbp, there are
alternatives as well or you can use partly gbp and do the rest manaully
… For alternatives: eg. dgit; however I'm not fluent in dgit)


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