*** Reporter, please consider answering these questions, where appropriate ***
* What led up to the situation?
  Fresh install of Dovecot IMAP server with SSL.
  Fresh install of Sogo on a different instance from Dovecot server.
* What exactly did you do (or not do) that was effective (or ineffective)?
  I add account to SOGo on a remote IMAP server that I could retrieve mails 
from Desktop mail client.
* What was the outcome of this action?
  Please see attached the log file.
* What outcome did you expect instead?
  Connection to a remote IMAP server successfully.
*** End of the template - remove these template lines *** 

—Log File
-- SOGo Log
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: <0x0x5643dd010430[NGImap4Client]> TLS started 
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: <0x0x5643dd010430[NGImap4Client]> 
ERROR(-[NGImap4Client _processUnknownCommandParserException:]): catched 
non-IMAP4 parsing exception UnexpectedEndOfStream: the parsed stream ended 
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: [ERROR] 
<0x0x5643dd00e2f0[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: <0x5643dccac200[SOGoMailAccount]:0> renewing 
imap4 password
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: <0x0x5643dd034ef0[NGImap4Client]> TLS started 
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: <0x0x5643dd034ef0[NGImap4Client]> 
ERROR(-[NGImap4Client _processUnknownCommandParserException:]): catched 
non-IMAP4 parsing exception UnexpectedEndOfStream: the parsed stream ended 
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: [ERROR] 
<0x0x5643dd00e2f0[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: [ERROR] <0x5643dccac200[SOGoMailAccount]:0> Could 
not connect IMAP4
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: "GET /SOGo/so/mzch/Mail/0/view 
HTTP/1.1" 200 17/0 0.168 - - 4M
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: <0x0x5643dcf5fda0[NGHttpRequest]> got 2 values 
for cookie 'XSRF-TOKEN', using first only: 
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: <0x0x5643dd04f1e0[NGImap4Client]> TLS started 
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: <0x0x5643dd04f1e0[NGImap4Client]> 
ERROR(-[NGImap4Client _processUnknownCommandParserException:]): catched 
non-IMAP4 parsing exception UnexpectedEndOfStream: the parsed stream ended 
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: [ERROR] 
<0x0x5643dd00e2f0[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: <0x5643dd046c10[SOGoMailAccount]:0> renewing 
imap4 password
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: <0x0x5643dcff3950[NGImap4Client]> TLS started 
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: <0x0x5643dcff3950[NGImap4Client]> 
ERROR(-[NGImap4Client _processUnknownCommandParserException:]): catched 
non-IMAP4 parsing exception UnexpectedEndOfStream: the parsed stream ended 
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: [ERROR] 
<0x0x5643dd00e2f0[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: [ERROR] <0x5643dd046c10[SOGoMailAccount]:0> Could 
not connect IMAP4
Jul 13 06:49:38 sogod [4645]: "POST 
/SOGo/so/mzch/Mail/unseenCount HTTP/1.1" 200 21/31 0.145 - - 0

-- Dovecot Log

Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: Loading modules from directory: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: Module loaded: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: Module loaded: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: Read auth token secret from 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: auth client connected (pid=31797)
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: client in: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth-worker(31800): Debug: Loading modules from 
directory: /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/auth
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth-worker(31800): Debug: Module loaded: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth-worker(31800): Debug: Module loaded: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: auth client connected (pid=31801)
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth-worker(31800): Debug: 
sql(m...@uixis.com,,<3PE/boqNIJ/AqM+K>): query: SELECT username 
as user, password FROM mailbox WHERE username = 'm...@uixis.com' AND active = 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: client passdb out: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: master in: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth-worker(31800): Debug: 
sql(m...@uixis.com,,<3PE/boqNIJ/AqM+K>): SELECT 
concat('/var/mail/', maildir) as home, concat('*:bytes=', quota) as quota_rule, 
998 as uid, 8 as gid FROM mailbox WHERE active = '1' AND username = (SELECT 
goto FROM alias WHERE (address = 'm...@uixis.com' AND alias.active = '1') OR 
(address = (SELECT concat('mzch', '@', target_domain) FROM alias_domain where 
alias_domain = 'uixis.com' AND alias_domain.active = '1' ) ) )
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: master userdb out: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<m...@uixis.com>, 
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=31803, TLS, 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: client in: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth-worker(31800): Debug: 
sql(m...@uixis.com,,<xApBboqNIp/AqM+K>): query: SELECT username 
as user, password FROM mailbox WHERE username = 'm...@uixis.com' AND active = 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: client passdb out: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: imap(m...@uixis.com)<31803><3PE/boqNIJ/AqM+K>: 
Connection closed (No commands sent) in=0 out=379 deleted=0 expunged=0 
trashed=0 hdr_count=0 hdr_bytes=0 body_count=0 body_bytes=0
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: master in: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth-worker(31800): Debug: 
sql(m...@uixis.com,,<xApBboqNIp/AqM+K>): SELECT 
concat('/var/mail/', maildir) as home, concat('*:bytes=', quota) as quota_rule, 
998 as uid, 8 as gid FROM mailbox WHERE active = '1' AND username = (SELECT 
goto FROM alias WHERE (address = 'm...@uixis.com' AND alias.active = '1') OR 
(address = (SELECT concat('mzch', '@', target_domain) FROM alias_domain where 
alias_domain = 'uixis.com' AND alias_domain.active = '1' ) ) )
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: master userdb out: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<m...@uixis.com>, 
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=31804, TLS: 
read(size=492) failed: Connection reset by peer, session=<xApBboqNIp/AqM+K>
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: imap(m...@uixis.com)<31804><xApBboqNIp/AqM+K>: 
Connection closed (No commands sent) in=0 out=379 deleted=0 expunged=0 
trashed=0 hdr_count=0 hdr_bytes=0 body_count=0 body_bytes=0
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: auth client connected (pid=31805)
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: client in: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth-worker(31800): Debug: 
sql(m...@uixis.com,,<HrREboqNJp/AqM+K>): query: SELECT username 
as user, password FROM mailbox WHERE username = 'm...@uixis.com' AND active = 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: client passdb out: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: master in: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth-worker(31800): Debug: 
sql(m...@uixis.com,,<HrREboqNJp/AqM+K>): SELECT 
concat('/var/mail/', maildir) as home, concat('*:bytes=', quota) as quota_rule, 
998 as uid, 8 as gid FROM mailbox WHERE active = '1' AND username = (SELECT 
goto FROM alias WHERE (address = 'm...@uixis.com' AND alias.active = '1') OR 
(address = (SELECT concat('mzch', '@', target_domain) FROM alias_domain where 
alias_domain = 'uixis.com' AND alias_domain.active = '1' ) ) )
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: master userdb out: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<m...@uixis.com>, 
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=31807, TLS, 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: auth client connected (pid=31808)
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: client in: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth-worker(31800): Debug: 
sql(m...@uixis.com,,<Gr5FboqNKJ/AqM+K>): query: SELECT username 
as user, password FROM mailbox WHERE username = 'm...@uixis.com' AND active = 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: client passdb out: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: imap(m...@uixis.com)<31807><HrREboqNJp/AqM+K>: 
Connection closed (No commands sent) in=0 out=379 deleted=0 expunged=0 
trashed=0 hdr_count=0 hdr_bytes=0 body_count=0 body_bytes=0
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: master in: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth-worker(31800): Debug: 
sql(m...@uixis.com,,<Gr5FboqNKJ/AqM+K>): SELECT 
concat('/var/mail/', maildir) as home, concat('*:bytes=', quota) as quota_rule, 
998 as uid, 8 as gid FROM mailbox WHERE active = '1' AND username = (SELECT 
goto FROM alias WHERE (address = 'm...@uixis.com' AND alias.active = '1') OR 
(address = (SELECT concat('mzch', '@', target_domain) FROM alias_domain where 
alias_domain = 'uixis.com' AND alias_domain.active = '1' ) ) )
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: auth: Debug: master userdb out: 
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<m...@uixis.com>, 
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=31810, TLS: 
read(size=492) failed: Connection reset by peer, session=<Gr5FboqNKJ/AqM+K>
Jul 12 23:49:38 n03 dovecot: imap(m...@uixis.com)<31810><Gr5FboqNKJ/AqM+K>: 
Connection closed (No commands sent) in=0 out=379 deleted=0 expunged=0 
trashed=0 hdr_count=0 hdr_bytes=0 body_count=0 body_bytes=0

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