On 10.04.17 22:27, Hilmar Preuße wrote:
> Am 16.02.2017 um 00:53 tastete Dmitry Katsubo:

Hi Dimitry,

The proftp 1.3.6 is meanwhile available in Debian stable. Could you
confirm that is works as expected?


>> I think this is about the same matter. If I remember correctly, I have
>> originally using "LDAPSearchScope subtree", which at some moment was
>> broken
>> (bug#500731), and then I tried "LDAPServer ldap://localhost??sub";
>> which also
>> didn't work, but after updating to v1.3.2 it worked fine. Then I
>> believe it was
>> broken again (bug#637744).
>> Maybe I miss something (quite some time had passed), however I confirm
>> that
>> "LDAPServer ldap://localhost??sub"; works for me since v1.3.2 up to
>> v1.3.5a-1
>> which I am using now.
>> Do you want to focus on "LDAPSearchScope subtree" issue at the moment?
>> Well, I quickly tried
>> LDAPServer localhost
>> LDAPSearchScope subtree
>> and it seems to work as expected. I cannot be 100% sure, but I'll let one
>> know in bugzilla if I find any problem.
> Thanks for response!
> The upstream bug http://bugs.proftpd.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4289 is now
> solved in 1.3.6. Please be so kind to check if that log entry[1]
> together w/ the FAQ[2] solves/describes your problem. Currently my
> impression is: we have various methods to specify the search scope and
> (depending on the used version) some work and some don't. :-(
> No, the 1.3.6 is not available in Debian and won't be before the next
> release.

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