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On 15-07-2019 04:24, Shannon Dealy wrote:
> After upgrading from Stretch to Buster, I was unable to use S3QL with any of
> my Amazon S3 buckets. All attempts to access gave errors like:
>      ERROR: Can't connect to backend: unable to resolve hostname
> I was eventually able to track the problem down to a change in the format
> of the Amazon S3 URL which occurred two years ago. The new format of the
> URL is:
>      s3://<region>/<bucket>/<prefix>
> Note the addition of a "region" section in the URL.
> Unfortunately this change is not displayed by "apt-listchanges" during the
> upgrade, nor is it documented in the release notes.
> Please add this information to the release notes for Buster so that others 
> don't waste hours trying to figure it out.

So, something along the following lines should work?

  <section id="s3ql">
    <!-- stretch to buster -->
      S3QL URL changes for Amazon S3 buckets
      When using <systemitem role="package">s3ql</systemitem> with
      Amazon S3 buckets, the configuration needs updating for a change
      in the URL. The new format is:



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