On Saturday, 20 July 2019 1:09:11 AM AEST intrigeri wrote:
> Done (0.10.10-0.2). This was my first attempt at using dgit to NMU so
> let's hope I did not bork it.
> I'm attaching the 3 commits I did on top of 0.10.10-0.1.

Awesome, thank you. I've just realised that we had no _cachefilesd_ on Salsa 
so I've imported old repository and applied your patches on top:


Best wishes,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


A man who knows a subject thoroughly, a man so soaked in it that he eats
it, sleeps it and dreams it - this man can always teach it with success, no
matter how little he knows of technical pedagogy.
        -- H. L. Mencken

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