
On 7/16/19 7:01 PM, Thiébaud Weksteen wrote:
> It might be worth talking about what threat we want to address in the
> default config. In both cases (keep or generate-policy), the kernel
> will be exposed until usbguard is started. If we are considering an
> attacker using a malicious device to target some kernel driver, either
> solution is affected.
> In the case of generate-policy, we would prevent further attack
> surface (e.g., if the user has automount enabled in their GUI).
> However, I still think that the "keep" option is more conservative and
> therefore less likely to block a device inadvertently. It may also be
> easier to explain the setup to the user: "any new USB device inserted
> after the daemon started will be blocked" compared to "we have taken a
> snapshot of the devices currently connected, any other device will be
> blocked after the daemon starts".

I think the fact that usbguard (with the PresentDevicePolicy set to
`keep`) allows devices the user has explicitly configured to be
forbidden is a bug- I have filed
https://github.com/USBGuard/usbguard/issues/314 to address this. (I
think thats especially problematic since the user is not informed that
their rule is ignored).
I think when the `keep` policy honors the rules file it is safe to
change the default of PresentDevicePolicy to `keep`.

> I've started https://wiki.debian.org/USBGuard. I'll keep editing this
> page based on our conversation here.
Thanks, I'll also add a REAME to the debian package.


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