❦ 19 juillet 2019 13:02 +00, Dmitry Bogatov <kact...@debian.org>:

> Unless it is false-positive, it constitutes violation of FHS, so it
> warrants "warning" severity.

As stated earlier, there is a large gap on language between manual
section definitions and definition for sbin/bin:

hier(7) says:

      /sbin  Like /bin, this directory holds commands needed to boot the 
system, but which  are  usually
             not executed by normal users.

             This  directory contains program binaries for system 
administration which are not es‐
             sential for the boot process, for mounting /usr, or for system 

man-pages(7) says:

      1 User commands (Programs)
                 Those commands that can be executed by the user from within a 

      8 System management commands
                 Commands like mount(8), many of which only root can execute.

Also, "fixing" this means renaming a manual page and patching the various
references to it.
Make sure all variables are initialised before use.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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