
adding Sean to cc: for the question mentioned below.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 11:24:41PM +0900, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> Do you know anyone good in this.   Is there any volunteer?  (I am
> seeking help on the mailinglist at sphinx-us...@googlegroups.com now)

I'm currently constantly asking on the #debconf channel for any takers :)

> > I think it's ok if the master branch is broken for some time, this
> > conversation has been much desired to get developers-reference in an
> > editable state again, so here we go.
> One thing stopping me to move forward is the difference of i18n HTML
> page arrangement:
>  * Debian web site https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/
>    It offers the automatic locale adjusted content by using
>    index.en.html, index.fr.html, ...
>  * Sphinx based web sites such as https://docs.python.org/3/
>    It offers the manual pull-down menu and web pages are placed at
>    .../en/index.html .../fr/index.html
> How should we arrange web page? I want to migrate to Sphinx-style.
> But that will break current URL links.  Any opinion?

I wonder how this was done for debian-policy which is also hosted on
www.debian.org. Sean, do you have any insight on this?

> Please note Debian web pages will be generated from the latest unstable
> version binary package. 
nods. Given how few development there was in recent years on dev-ref I
do think its ok if it will take 1-3 months until the next release ;)


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