[2019-07-21 15:36] Lorenz <lorenzo.r...@gmail.com>
> Il giorno gio 18 lug 2019 alle ore 14:45 Dmitry Bogatov <kact...@debian.org>
> ha scritto:
> >Are there overrides in /etc/insserv/overrides/?  Does this warning
> >appear if you invoke:
> >
> > 1. # insserv
> > 2. # insserv apparmor
> > 3. If either 1. or 2. reproduces problem, please invoke them under strace
> and
> >     show output.
> overrides directory is empty; both 1. and 2. trigger the warning,
> output of 'strace insserv' is attached.
> [...]

Thanks, but nothing I found suspicious. Okay, let us try another way.

$ mkdir /tmp/testing
$ cd /tmp/testing
$ cp -r /etc/init.d .
$ cp -r /etc/insserv.conf .
$ /sbin/insserv -p init.d -c insserv.conf -i init.d ./init.d/apparmor

Does it produce error about overlapping runlevels on your system?

(On my system it outputs warning:
   insserv: warning: could not find all dependencies for $portmap

Can you reproduce problem in chroot (debootstrap) or in VM?
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