Package: dgit-infrastructure
Version: 9.5
Usertags: rsn

Quoting myself:

   It would probably be worthwhile checking critical fields, so that the
   signer cannot be tricked into signing things that the original
   git-debpush user could not have done.  I looked at the code and I
   think this is
     1 we need a slightly stronger syntax check for the Maintainer
        when we construct the git tagger line
     2 we should cross-check the source package name in all
        relevant places
     3 it would be easy to cross-check the version too.

1 is easy.  2 involves dgit rpush honouring -p.  3 means a new version
option I think.

We should also check the syntax of all the signed things are right.  I
think this means feeding eg buildinfo and changes and dsc to a deb822
parser, which we probably mostly already do.

None of this is particularly difficult.

Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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