Hello, Carsten.

this is with recent versions of Thunderbird not possible anymore as this
is hard coded within the sources. I never had experienced something like
you have described.

It only happened on my laptop, the desktop was fine. In fact, I used it as a control of sorts.

For sure, as this one of the conditions the wrapper is checking.
But why do you delete any folder if Thunderbird working correctly?

It wasn't my initial goal: I just wanted to find out why TB refused to start! During my tests, I ended up discovering the newly created .icedove first and later the odd behaviour with the symlink, none of which was happening on the other system.

Any Apparmore profile for TB activated?

My system diary shows I disabled it on my desktop when dealing with #918035; checking the laptop, I can find no AppArmor errors on the day I opened this report and apparmor_status has no entry for thunderbird.

This is on the user side as one packaging rule strictly says we don't
change anything within the users folder while package installation or
upgrade. And adding a symlink that probably will never break things
within the users home folder is quite the maximum we can do.


I was thinking about some external helping script that could do this
migration but due lack of interests and urgency I haven't work further
here. And it's mainly just the moving of '.icedove' to '.thunderbird' in
the prefs.js file. But other extensions can have there own setting
withing the TB profile!

I see, then I'll probably add a short paragraph to the wikipage explaining this corner case and you may close this report.


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