On Sat, 3 Aug 2019 09:13:11 -0500 Ron Lovell <ron163...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Patrice, thanks for filing the bug report. I was just looking at that bug
> myself. The definition of g_tclextlib at line 41 is in new code added since
> the version 4.2.2 that's in Buster.
> I'm NOT a Tcl programmer or Modules guru. But is "prefix" something that
> should be compiled into the modules at build time, or initialized in
> /etc/environment-modules/siteconfig.tcl, or maybe in a file
> /etc/environment-modules/rc?
> As a workaround I edited modulecmd.tcl to replace "${prefix}" with "/usr"
> at line 41. That allows /usr/share/modules/init/bash to complete
> successfully and define function "module" correctly.
> Hope this helps.
> -- 
> James Ronald Lovell <ron163...@gmail.com>
> Huntsville, AL, USA


First many thanks for your quick reply!

My bug report is #933782 and not #933732 but by chance I saw your reply ;-)
I suspect that the prefix variable should be set at build time (may be it is the
one given to the configure script (--prefix=...) 
I was trying to look at https://salsa.debian.org/mckinstry/modules
but it seems to be still the previous version there.


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