On 2008-05-26 at 10:12:49, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 07:13:32PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> > Just an idea without having given it much thought:
> > 
> > if there are host key fingerprints in DNS, why not add
> > a configuration option to ssh_config so that I could say:
> > 
> >   Host foo
> >     HostKeyFingerprint 99:11:ed:30:03:41:ff:9f:f3:74:bd:7d:e1:8f:04:44
> > 
> > which would then cause even StrictHostKeyChecking to accept the host
> > key into .ssh/known_hosts if the fingerprint matched?
> I'm not sure I understand. Why not just add the fingerprint to
> ~/.ssh/known_hosts directly? What does putting it in the configuration
> file gain you?

One way in which this would be helpful is not in the configuration file,
but in scripting. All the options in ".ssh/config" can also be used on
the command line. If you can write "ssh -o HostKeyFingerprint=foo", then
you can securely connect in a script without needing "-o

This would be enormously valuable as a way to write secure command-line
scripts without having to embed a full public key. It would also match
the new OpenSSH feature to allow specifying a fingerprint at the prompt.
brian m. carlson: Houston, Texas, US
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