Control: affects -1 + dmrconfig


I've hit this problem with a DMR radio that uses a USB programming
cable. It presents as a ttyACM device, which is snapped up by
ModemManager. These are not the most robust interfaces and I could
easily see radios being bricked by accepting an "upload" of
firmware/config while ModemManager is probing.

(More worryingly, if this happens with amateur radio soundcard
interfaces which commonly use homemade USB serial cables to control
transmission, it could cause the radio to transmit without warning,
possibly outside the licensed band and certainly without identifying the
station, which would cause a criminal offence to be committed.)

The second of these cases is going to be harder to protect against than
the first, but it would be nice if ModemManager didn't just assume
responsibility for any serial USB device that happens to be attached.

For the DMR radio, I have a udev rule that I included in the dmrconfig
package (not yet uploaded) that looks like:

ATTRS{idVendor}=="28e9" ATTRS{idProduct}=="018a",

I'm happy to maintain the list of DMR radios to ignore in that package,
but ModemManager is helpfully ignoring the rules.

Should I just suggest users disable ModemManager? What is the workaround
for this?


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