Hi there Gerald,

On 2019-08-07 2:09 p.m., Gerald Turner wrote:
> Control: tags -1 + patch
> I've created a patch which restores "prevmatch" to being a boolean,
> fixing the edgetrigger alerts.  I built and tested the package with this
> patch.
> The only side-effect is the aformentioned syslog message change is
> marginally affected:
>   smokeping[6642]: Alert full-loss was cleared for dns.ns6-gandi-net loss: 
> 0%%, 0%%, 0%%, 0%%, 0%%, 0%%, 0%%, 100%%, 100%%, 100%%, 100%%, 0%%(0/5)  rtt: 
> 153ms, 155ms, 156ms, 155ms, 155ms, 156ms, 155ms, U, U, U, U, 155ms prevmatch: 
> 1 comment: 100%% packet loss
> ^ with the patch, the substring "prevmatch: 1", will always be one.

Thanks for your submission!

> Fix edgetrigger alerts as discussed in:
>   https://github.com/oetiker/SmokePing/issues/183

It seems to me that some folks reported in this issue being able to stop
the influx of emails by chaning the "format" option where edgetrigger is
set. Did you try applying this solution?

I'm mostly hesitant to apply a patch on the software itself and diverge
from upstream if upstream doesn't seem to be willing to apply the same
patch (or -- another case -- if the patch is not useful solely for
making packaging possible but would not be accepted upstream).

If the change of "format" doesn't work for you, maybe then I can help
you in applying some pressure upstream to merge that patch in. But for
this we'd need to have a clearly defined case where the
solution/workaround proposed by Tobias doesn't fix the issue.


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