On Sat, Sep 09, 2017 at 11:11:21PM +0200, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer 
> Source: tipp10
> Hi! As you might know we the Qt/KDE team are preparing to remove Qt4
> as [announced] in:
> Therefore, please take the time and:
> - contact your upstream (if existing) and ask about the state of a Qt5
> port of your application
> - if there are no activities regarding porting, investigate whether there are
> suitable alternatives for your users
> - if there is a Qt5 port that is not yet packaged, consider packaging it
> - if both the Qt4 and the Qt5 versions already coexist in the Debian
> archives, consider removing the Qt4 version

Hi Christoph,
tipp10 seems to be dead upstream (not surprising given that it seems to be
based on an old diploma thesis)

Are you planning to port it to Qt5 yourself? Otherwise we should remove it
from the archive.


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