On Fri, 22 Feb 2019 07:47:00 +0000 Ximin Luo wrote:

> For the time being you can work around the issue either by using
> firefox-esr instead of firefox (65) which is why I myself had not yet
> noticed this issue, it was working perfectly fine for me.

Unfortunately Firefox ESR 68 has now reached Debian unstable.

> If you cannot run firefox-esr and must run firefox 65, you can also
> work around the issue by running:
> $ sudo rm /usr/share/webext/umatrix/lib/punycode.js
> $ sudo cp /usr/share/javascript/punycode/punycode.js 
> /usr/share/webext/umatrix/lib/punycode.js

This workaround is no longer sufficient to fix the issue. I also tried
removing other symlinks and replacing them with the equivalent files
but this didn't help either.



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