Hi Guido,

On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 03:17:22AM -0700, Guido Maria Serra wrote:
> > The only thing I haven't included yet in this fork are the changed
> > shebang lines which need to be python3 instead of just python at
> > least as of now on Debian. Can add that as a commit to this or a new
> > pull request, though.
> merged & updated the python3 refs 
> https://github.com/zeph/wicd/commit/5860ad8251990d68feb66803347bb4845dfb8a5d

Yay, thanks! Wasn't sure if this is generally needed/wanted.

> > wicd-curses still throws deprecation warnings for me:
> > 
> > /usr/share/wicd/curses/wicd-curses.py:1249: PyGIDeprecationWarning:
> > GObject.timeout_add is deprecated; use GLib.timeout_add
> > instead  gobject.timeout_add(2000,
> > Might fix that later — unless someone else fixes it first.
> yeah... later...

Ok, will see if I get this fixed on my own. At least wicd-curses is my
next target as that's my personally preferred wicd UI. :-)

> I also have to swap the underlying command from "iwlist" to "iw"
> (completely different kernel calls) all over the place (and related
> regex)

Yay, thanks for tackling this! This would solve
https://bugs.debian.org/852333 (Cc'ed, too) in Debian, too.

I'll probably do an upload to Debian Experimental once I got at least
one client working.

                Regards, Axel
 ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <a...@debian.org>, https://people.debian.org/~abe/
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